Market leading insight for tax experts
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Expert guides explaining how to handle tax issues in practice.

A company can purchase its own shares, but the basic principle is that any amount paid in excess of the capital subscribed for the shares is taxed as a distribution. However, as Paula Tallon and Paul Howard explain, where a number of conditions are satisfied, capital gains tax treatment can be obtained for the shareholder.

Gareth Miles and Tom Jarvis highlight points to watch in practice.

The purchase of distressed companies throws up different issues from standard corporate acquisitions. Eloise Walker and Mark Ingram set out the tax issues.

Robert Langston provides a practical guide to the issues arising from corporate ownership of UK residential property.

Kate Boswell provides your refresher guide on how to make the most of charity tax reliefs.

Paul Bramall and Priya Dutta provide your refresher guide

Paul Howard and Priya Dutta provide your refresher guide.

Q: I have an elderly client who is a shareholder of a company which runs a chain of pubs. The company owns all the buildings and the pubs operate from the lower floors of each. The higher levels are let as residential flats. My client is a widower...

Robert Langston with your refresher guide to the rules.

Annette Morley provides a refresher guide on this key relief.
