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'Top football clubs flee to tax havens' reported Robert Watts in The Sunday Times (16 May). Clubs controlled or owned through offshore companies reportedly include: Blackburn (Jersey); Birmingham (Cayman Islands); Fulham (Bermuda); Hartlepool (British Virgin Islands); Hearts (Lithuania); Ipswich (Bermuda); Portsmouth (British Virgin Islands); Sunderland (Jersey); Tottenham (Bahamas); and Wolverhampton (Guernsey). A senior HMRC source said the use of tax havens by football clubs 'is one of the issues we are looking at.'
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In short
In short
'Top football clubs flee to tax havens' reported Robert Watts in The Sunday Times (16 May). Clubs controlled or owned through offshore companies reportedly include: Blackburn (Jersey); Birmingham (Cayman Islands); Fulham (Bermuda); Hartlepool (British Virgin Islands); Hearts (Lithuania); Ipswich (Bermuda); Portsmouth (British Virgin Islands); Sunderland (Jersey); Tottenham (Bahamas); and Wolverhampton (Guernsey). A senior HMRC source said the use of tax havens by football clubs 'is one of the issues we are looking at.'
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