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Voluntarily signing up to MTD for income tax

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HMRC has updated its making tax digital for income tax guidance to expand the criteria setting out who can sign up on a voluntary basis. Under the revised criteria, taxpayers can sign up to MTD for income tax on a voluntary basis if all of the following apply:

  • they are a UK resident;
  • they are already registered for self-assessment;
  • their accounting period aligns with the tax year;
  • they have submitted at least one self-assessment tax return;
  • they are keeping digital records;
  • one or more of the following were included in their last tax return:
    • an existing self-employment income;
    • a UK property source;
    • a foreign property source; and
  • their tax records are up to date (eg they have no outstanding tax liabilities).

The guidance also notes that taxpayers cannot currently sign up on a voluntary basis if they:

  • need to report income from any other source;
  • have an income tax charge (e.g. high income child benefit charges or certain pension tax charges);
  • have a payment arrangement in place;
  • do not have an up to date address with HMRC;
  • are a partner in a partnership;
  • are currently, or are going to be, bankrupt or insolvent;
  • are a minister of religion, Lloyds underwriter or foster carer; or
  • have arrangements in place where their affairs are dealt with by a third party (eg a trusted helper, insolvency practitioner, nominee or solicitor).
Issue: 1580
Categories: News