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Treasury team profiles: Who's who in the Government

Introducing you to the new decision-makers in the coalition Government's Treasury

  Chancellor of the Exchequer

Name: George Osborne

Age: 39

Political party: Conservative

Responsibilities: Overall accountability for the work of the Treasury

In-tray: As one of the youngest (and least experienced) Chancellors in the history of the office George Osborne faces a baptism of fire. His first task will be putting together an emergency Budget for 22 June but he will shortly afterwards have to deal with the future of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and reform of the banking sector.

Notable quote: Osborne told the BBC's Today programme in 2005 that he wanted to see the UK move towards 'a simpler tax system which is simple to understand where there are no loopholes where the very rich do not avoid tax by employing expensive accountants'. He...

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