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Press watch: green taxes

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‘MPs on the Environmental Audit Committee report that the public are becoming cynical about so-called ‘green taxes’ and suspect they are just another way of HMRC getting its arm deeper into our pockets. This will only surprise those simple souls who might be shocked to learn of the Pope’s religious affiliations or the sanitary arrangements of bears in the woods.

‘But – without any apparent irony – Joan Walley, chairman of the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee, said: “Recent budgets have created the perception that environmental taxes are simply being used to pinch extra pennies from people.”

‘It would be nearer the mark to say green taxes raised £40bn last year with more than half that total – or £27bn in fuel duties – coming from motorists and another £2bn taken from holidaymakers and other airline passengers. Less obvious but more insidious taxes on business – such as the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme are set to hit 2,500 firms from next year. As things stand, the CRC could add 11% to their energy bills and create a new tax on employment.’

Ian Cowie
Daily Telegraph, 13 July 2011 

Issue: 1085
Categories: News , Environmental taxes