HMRC is consulting until 14 October 2015 on detailed proposals for new measures against serial tax avoiders, including a further consultation on measures for serial avoiders, serial promoters, and how to introduce specific penalties where the general anti-abuse rule (GAAR) applies.
HMRC is consulting until 14 October 2015 on detailed proposals for new measures against serial tax avoiders, including a further consultation on measures for serial avoiders, serial promoters, and how to introduce specific penalties where the general anti-abuse rule (GAAR) applies.
These proposals take account of responses to the initial consultation held between January and March 2015. They cover:
HMRC is consulting until 14 October 2015 on detailed proposals for new measures against serial tax avoiders, including a further consultation on measures for serial avoiders, serial promoters, and how to introduce specific penalties where the general anti-abuse rule (GAAR) applies.
HMRC is consulting until 14 October 2015 on detailed proposals for new measures against serial tax avoiders, including a further consultation on measures for serial avoiders, serial promoters, and how to introduce specific penalties where the general anti-abuse rule (GAAR) applies.
These proposals take account of responses to the initial consultation held between January and March 2015. They cover: