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Lawyers and accountants among the least likely to file their tax return late

HMRC analysis has revealed that when it comes to filing self-assessment tax returns lawyers and accountants are among the least likely to file their return late with only 219 late filers per 10 000 tax returns. They come second only to those in the agriculture fishing and forestry industry (109 in every 10 000 filing late returns). Workers in the information and communication industries fared the worst (390 per 10 000).

HMRC statistics also revealed that women were more likely to send their tax returns in on time than men (358 late filers per 10 000 tax returns compared to 394 per 10 000 for men). The over-65s were the most punctual (with 155 tax returns out of 10 000 missing the deadline) whilst those aged 18–20 left things late (1 085 in every 10 000 filing late).

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