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Integration of income tax and NICs: call for evidence

printer Mail

The government issued a call for evidence on possible integration of the operation of the income tax and NIC systems, with a view to building ‘a strong evidence base on the burdens to employers of having to operate two different systems’.

‘The Government believes that greater integration has the potential to remove economic distortions, reduce burdens on business, and improve fairness for individual earners,’ HM Treasury said.

The contributory principle underpinning the national insurance system will be maintained, and NICs will not be extended to individuals above state pension age or to pensions, savings and dividends, the Treasury added.

Anthony Thomas, President of the CIOT, said there is ‘both scope and need’ for the government to ‘think widely and aim for real simplification’, within the boundaries the government has set.

Responses are requested by 19 September. 
