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HMRC manual update: 9 April 2020

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Capital Gains ManualUpdated: CG45900, CG45930CG45932CG45948CG61970CG61972CG61976CG61978CG65810CG69200Updated guidance on:
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    appropriations to and from trading stock in relation to insurance companies and transactions in UK land under TCGA 1992, s S161(5) and (6)
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    business asset roll-over relief and the single group trade rule and the same person rule
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    conditions for relief on qualifying assets under FA 2013 s 59(10)
NRCG and the exemptions: Disposals from 6 April 2019: Indirect disposals contents page restructured.
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    the background to business asset roll-over relief
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    roll-over relief on transfer of shares to an approved Share Incentive Plans in relation to the conditions of relief, replacement assets and computing relief
 Archived: CG45931, CG61971CG61977Archived old guidance on business asset roll-over relief and the transfer of shares to approved Share Incentive Plans
Company Taxation ManualUpdated: CTM93005CTM93050CTM93090CTM93110CTM93140CTM93180CTM93190CTM93330CTM94010CTM94020CTM94050CTM94060CTM94070Updated guidance on the filing obligation under corporation tax self assessment and filing date examples and amended returns and penalties for late returns.
 Added: CTM92840Added guidance on non-resident company landlords and quarterly instalments.
Corporate Intangibles Research and Development ManualUpdated: CIRD12670CIRD27010CIRD13080CIRD27020CIRD30530CIRD30535Updated guidance on taxable credits and ‘negative goodwill’ referable to intangible assets, the leasing of intangible assets, intangible assets other than goodwill, the definition of goodwill, and debt impairment losses and bad debts.
 Added: CIRD25095Added guidance on intangible assets for which capital allowances have been previously made.
Employment Income ManualUpdated: EIM01476EIM32815EIM32830EIM11820EIM13675HMRC has updated its guidance on: PAYE and employees of a non-UK employer, deductible household expenses for homeworking employees, and termination payments in respect of employee liabilities and indemnity insurance.
Employee Tax Advantaged Share Scheme User ManualUpdated: ETASSUM57060Updated guidance on the charge on exercise of an EMI option to state that the difference between the market value immediately before the disqualifying event and the exercise price is liable to CGT.
International ManualUpdated: INTM163130Updated guidance on UK residents with foreign income or gains: income arising abroad: Partnerships, final paragraph and reference to DT1750 removed.
National Insurance ManualUpdated: NIM02530NIM02550Updated guidance on PILONS from 6 April 2018, a new section on discretionary PILONS, and guidance on PENP.
 Added: NIM13200NIM13208NIM13300NIM13311Added guidance on Class 1A NICs and termination awards and sporting testimonials.


Indirect Taxes

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Stamp Duty Land Tax ManualUpdated: SDLTM00365ASDLTM00385SDLTM00395SDLTM09520SDLTM09750SDLTM29957Updated guidance on: residential property, the higher rates for acquisitions of residential property and additional dwellings, and multiple dwellings.
 Added: SDLTM00372SDLTM00377AAdded guidance on residential property
VAT Assessments and Error Correction ManualUpdated: VAEC2520VAEC2530Updated guidance on final period assessments to refer to the VAT Pro Forma Nil Return form instead of Form VAT127 (pro forma nil return).



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Compliance Operational Guidance ManualUpdated: COG915150COG915160COG915165Updated guidance to state that ‘compliance activity has been paused until close of Wednesday 1 April’ (compliance relating to regulation 80 determinations for PAYE failures) and that HMRC officials must, before undertaking any activity, ‘read the internal guidance (which is withheld from public view by an exemption from the Freedom of Information Act 2000) on when to issue the new COVID19 01 or COVID19 02 SEES letter together with any time-bound statutory notices or assessments’.
Specialist Investigations Operational Guidance ManualUpdated: SIOG7425Updated guidance on information notices.
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