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Finance Bill Debates

Alan Dolton, Editor of Tolley's Tax Cases and Tolley's VAT Cases, continues his coverage of the Finance Bill debates

Alan Dolton Editor of Tolley's Tax Cases and Tolley's VAT Cases continues his coverage of the Finance Bill debates
Standing Committee A began considering the Finance Bill at 8.55am on Thursday 6 May. The first morning was rather a gentle introduction for the MPs on the Committee. Clauses 1 to 3 (covering duties on tobacco beer and wine) were agreed without a vote as were Clauses 6 to 8 (covering road fuel gas sulphur-free fuel the definition of 'fuel oil' and the mixing of rebated oil) were agreed without a vote. Opposition members had just begun discussing Clause 10 (bioethanol) when with the clock showing 11.25am the Committee...

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