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Extracting Profit from the Family Company

John Whiting, tax partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers and a former President of the Chartered Institute of Taxation reviews Tolley's Tax Digest — Extracting Profit From The Family Company by Andrew Hubbard

John Whiting tax partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers and a former President of the Chartered Institute of Taxation reviews Tolley's Tax Digest — Extracting Profit From The Family Company by Andrew Hubbard
This booklet completes a baker's dozen of Tolley's Tax Digests (TTD) and the series is establishing itself well. The digests are intended to be 'practical accessible guidance relating to a specific area of tax' all packed into 20–30 A4 pages. This latest TTD written by Andrew Hubbard certainly fits that description. It needs to be said that that is no mean achievement — writing clearly and in a manner that can be...

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