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EU powers and UK taxation: call for evidence

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HM Treasury has invited comments on the EU’s impact on taxation in the UK, as part of the government’s review of the ‘balance of competences’ between the UK and the EU.

A call for evidence was published on 30 November. ‘There is an underlying tension … between a level playing field within the internal market and a reduction in burdens for cross-border business activities on the one hand, and the ability of member states to respond to specific national circumstances and national choices through design of their own tax systems and rates on the other,’ the Treasury said.

‘UK policy places priority on ensuring that the government retains maximum flexibility to shape UK tax policy to suit UK economic circumstances. In line with the coalition agreement, the government opposes any extension of EU competence in the area of taxation. The government believes that tax matters should remain subject to unanimity and upholding the veto on tax is a key priority.’

Responses are invited by 22 February 2013.
