The new corporate tax year begins on Wednesday with a number of changes to the tax system coming into force. These include Scotland taking charge of its first tax for 300 years as existing UK stamp duty and landfill tax are disapplied in Scotland and two devolved levies, the land and buildings transaction tax and Scottish landfill tax, are introduced in their place. The new legislation also gives Holyrood the power to set a Scottish rate on income tax, expected to take effect this time next year.
Significant tax changes coming into effect which businesses are likely to welcome include:
And some measures from 1 April likely to be less welcomed by business are:
The drop in the headline rate of corporation tax and the changes to the R&D tax regime are very welcome measures. But banks take a hit from restrictions on their use of carried-forward losses and a rise in the bank levy as the new corporate tax year commences. Additionally, the lack of precise definition around the new diverted profits tax means it is likely to create uncertainty for companies and leave too much discretion to HMRC in the way it is applied.
The new corporate tax year begins on Wednesday with a number of changes to the tax system coming into force. These include Scotland taking charge of its first tax for 300 years as existing UK stamp duty and landfill tax are disapplied in Scotland and two devolved levies, the land and buildings transaction tax and Scottish landfill tax, are introduced in their place. The new legislation also gives Holyrood the power to set a Scottish rate on income tax, expected to take effect this time next year.
Significant tax changes coming into effect which businesses are likely to welcome include:
And some measures from 1 April likely to be less welcomed by business are:
The drop in the headline rate of corporation tax and the changes to the R&D tax regime are very welcome measures. But banks take a hit from restrictions on their use of carried-forward losses and a rise in the bank levy as the new corporate tax year commences. Additionally, the lack of precise definition around the new diverted profits tax means it is likely to create uncertainty for companies and leave too much discretion to HMRC in the way it is applied.