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Capital allowances: consultations

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HMRC have invited comments by 31 August 2011 on:

Fixtures. Proposed legislation aimed at preventing allowances from being given more than once on the original cost of a fixture. Businesses would be required to pool their expenditure on fixtures within a reasonably short period after acquisition of a building in order to qualify for capital allowances;

Plant and machinery. Proposals to fix a rate of capital allowances for expenditure on plant or machinery that could qualify for tariff payments under the Feed-in Tariff regime or the Renewable Heat Incentive. The stated aim is to fix a rate that is ‘fair and certain’, and to ensure more consistent treatment between businesses; and

Plant and machinery anti-avoidance. Proposed amendments to the ‘generic’ anti-avoidance legislation. ‘The government would also welcome views on the other suggested ways of improving the capital allowances anti-avoidance rules in order to make them more effective at countering avoidance,’ HMRC said.
