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Campaign targets evasion by offshore account holders

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The new campaign has run in national newspapers and weekly magazines since Monday 24 February 2014. Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne said: ‘The UK government is on the side of the hardworking majority of people and companies who pay the tax they owe. By taking global action to reform the system alongside a tough approach to enforcing the law at home, we will close the net on those who think they do not have to play by the rules. This is a victory for Britain’s international agenda and the fight against wrong doing.’

Jennie Granger, HMRC’s director general for enforcement and compliance, said: ‘We are getting more and more information that helps us to target offshore tax cheats more effectively than ever before. If you have assets offshore you need to get in touch with us urgently, because we will catch up with you. That can mean a fine of 200% of the tax that you owe, and the possibility of criminal prosecution and a prison sentence.’
