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In brief: storage facilities; machine games duty, SDLT refunds; bulletin updates; DOTAS

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VAT: provision of storage facilities

HMRC’s recently published VAT Information Sheet 10/2013: Provision of storage facilities concerns changes to the VAT liability of supplies of storage facilities introduced by FA 2012. It cancels and replaces VAT Information Sheet 14/2012 with immediate effect and explains that the changes affect a wide range of storage facilities and not just ‘self-storage’.

Machine games duty

The second returns for machine games duty will recommence the fines of £100 for late submission. HMRC announced it would not apply penalties for late submission of the first returns.

SDLT refunds following Pollen Estate

HMRC is inviting claims for repayment of SDLT from charities that have purchased a property jointly with a non-charity purchaser, following the Court of Appeal’s recent ruling in Pollen Estate Trustee [2013] EWCA Civ 753, which held that relief is due on the charity’s share of the property.

Bulletin updates

Stamp Taxes Bulletin 2/2013 includes articles on: ATED returns; SDLT group relief; correct form for powers of attorney; new pre-completion transactions rules; errors in completing land transaction returns for new or replacement leases; recent SDLT Manual updates; and model for claims to stamp duty relief in connection with company reconstructions.

DOTAS: draft HMRC guidance on confidentiality hallmark

HMRC has published guidance based on draft regulations issued on 17 July 2013, which amend the confidentiality hallmark in the disclosure of tax avoidance schemes (DOTAS) rules. Consultation on the draft regulations runs until 28 August 2013. Comments on the draft guidance are invited by 7 September 2013.

Issue: 1182
Categories: News