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Automatic exchange of information

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The OECD Global Forum Secretariat has produced a new confidentiality and information security management toolkit to assist in the implementation of the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Standard. The toolkit is designed to ensure more developing countries can benefit from AEOI, and provides detailed guidance on implementing the building blocks of a legal and information security management (ISM) framework that adheres to internationally recognised standards or best practices, as required by the AEOI standard, and ensures the confidentiality of the exchanged information. The toolkit also provides guidance on establishing effective processes to address potential confidentiality breaches.

The OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes was expected to publish a report First peer review of the automatic exchange of financial account information on Wednesday 9 December 2020, at 11am UK time. The report will present the conclusions of the peer reviews of the legal frameworks put in place by the first 100 jurisdictions committed to automatic exchange of financial account information.

Issue: 1513
Categories: News