OECD secretary general Angel Gurría welcomed Andorra’s steps to strengthen international tax co-operation, after it became the 60th signatory to the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. ‘Andorra has taken many positive steps towards greater tax transparency in the past four years,’ Mr Gurría said after a ceremony at the OECD. ‘Today’s signing is an important signal that Andorra is seriously committed to the international fight against offshore tax avoidance and evasion.’
OECD secretary general Angel Gurría welcomed Andorra’s steps to strengthen international tax co-operation, after it became the 60th signatory to the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. ‘Andorra has taken many positive steps towards greater tax transparency in the past four years,’ Mr Gurría said after a ceremony at the OECD. ‘Today’s signing is an important signal that Andorra is seriously committed to the international fight against offshore tax avoidance and evasion.’