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EU VAT e-commerce factsheets

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The European Union has published the following factsheets ahead of the forthcoming EU VAT E-Commerce package:

  • All you need to know about the import one-stop shop (IOSS): From 1 July 2021, the VAT exemption for the importation of goods into the EU with a value not exceeding €22 will be removed. As a result, all goods imported into the EU will be subject to VAT. If the sale of goods to buyers in the EU is facilitated through an electronic interface, the electronic interface is considered to have made the sale and is in principle liable for the payment of VAT. The IOSS was created to facilitate and simplify the declaration and payment of VAT for distance sales of imported goods with a value not exceeding €150.
  • All you need to know about the one-stop shop (OSS) (information for sellers):Currently EU businesses making distance sales of goods from within the EU above a certain threshold (€35,000 or €100,000, depending on the member state) to buyers located in another EU member state need to register and pay VAT in the buyers' member state. From 1 July 2021, new rules enter into force, according to which for supplies below a threshold of €10,000 VAT can be paid to the member state where the selling business is located. Above this threshold, businesses will be able to register for the OSS, where they can declare and pay the VAT due in other member states.
  • All you need to know about the one-stop shop (OSS) (information for electronic interfaces facilitating sales): From 1 July 2021, if an electronic interface (marketplace, platform, etc.) facilitates distance sales of goods by a non-EU established seller to a buyer in the EU, the electronic interface is considered to be the seller and is liable for the payment of VAT. To declare and pay this VAT, the electronic interface will be able to register in a special electronic system called the OSS.
Issue: 1519
Categories: News